
Please feel free to read through some of our client’s testimonials below. After the end of their treatment, they were asked if they would like to provide a short testimonial to encourage other people to seek help if they need it; clients did not receive any reward or compensation for completing a testimonial. Names have been omitted to protect the confidentiality of the clients, and they are presented here unaltered.

“Jeff was referred to me by good friends. I was trying to cope with the stress of the pandemic, while dealing with parental challenges of having teenage children, a household to take care of, my job demands as well as elderly parents. In the midst of it all, I was slowly losing myself and feeling very anxious/overwhelmed most of the time. Throughout the various sessions, I experienced a return of perspective and balance. Also I found ways to better recognize my own needs, take care of myself and set healthy boundaries. Moreover, Jeff taught me how to better listen to and communicate with my teenage daughter, by acting as a "bridge" between our two generations and being able to understand both my concerns as well as my daughter's. Jeff is exactly what I was looking for. He's calm, funny, open-minded and very wise.”

— An overwhelmed mother and daughter who learned how to listen to each other and love themselves again

“Mom's testimony: After months of being scared and stressed about my child someone recommended Jeff to me, during the introduction I felt that he was very relaxed and friendly which put us at ease right away. After just a few short months I can happily say that taking my child to Jeff was one of the best decisions I have ever made, I have my sweet child back and for that I am truly grateful.

Daughter's testimony: Jeff was very easygoing, no pressure during the sessions, I got a lot of helpful tools and tips during my session and I learned how to apply them in my everyday life. It definitely helped me to see life differently and be happier with myself.”

— A concerned mother and daughter who were able to reconnect and find happiness again

Dia 8 di juli 2020 mi tabata tin mi prome cita cu Servicio Psicologico Integra. Mi a tuma e desicion di busca yudansa profecional pa mi emocionan di miedo, tristesa y rabia, cu tabata hasimi un persona duru y basta negativo. Mi kier a sana y mi ruman  y yiu a recomendami pa bay serka SPIA. Despues di e prome combersacion, mi tabata sinti un alivio y esey a dunami e motivacion pa sigui.

Na e di dos cita nos a combersa y mi a haya un ehersicio pa hasi pa domina mi impulsividad. Den e siman ey mi a ripara cu en berdad, si mi sigui e reglanan di e ehersicio, mi ta evita cu mi ta actua  impulsivo. E di dos biaha mi a sali fey di e oficina cu un sonrisa hopi grandi riba mi cara.

Asina mi a sigui bay mi citanan, 6 en totaal. Cada biaha mi tabata sinti cu mi ta bira mas trankil, consciente y un hende contento, cu un meta den mi bida.

Pa mi e citanan cu SPIA tabata un di e miho decisionan cu mi a tuma den mi bida. Mi tin un meta pa biba p’e, mi ta stima mi mes, mi ta mas compaciona y, si, ora mi a cana sali e delaster biaha fey di e oficina, mi a sinti manera cu mi a kita 20 kilo fey mi schouders. 

Mi mes a ripara cu mi ta smile hopi y cu mi ta fuerte para den mi zapato.

Sin kier ta mush mush, mi por recomenda hoben y biew cu kier sana y bira un hende mas felis, pa tuma e stap di bati na porta di SPIA. Mi no tin suficiente palabra pa gradici Jeff.

— A client who learned to love themselves again

“Na prome dia cu e psycholoog mi a pp cu un Mr. Feliciana. Papia cu Feliciana ta hopi diferente cu papia cu bo familiares of amistades nan. E no ta bisabo loke bo kier scucha pero loke bo mester scucha, e prome session tawata hopi emocional pami pero e tawata sinti pami mane un stap padilanti. E di dos session nos a bai poko mas deep, Feliciana semper tawata papia calmo cumi y e tawata dunam tur su pasenshi y comprenshon. E resultado di esey tawata cu mi tawata sinti mi mes sigur, cu tin un persona cu tey pa scuchami y judami y cu mi no mester tin berguenza. Feliciana a judam di tal forma cu ami mes por a saka mi mes di e conflicto mental cu mi tawata aden Feliciana a guia mi persona pa mi por juda mi mes. Nis ultimo session tawata un estylo di chekup, nos a papia over di kico mi mes por haci pa mi pir sigi progresa y cu su porta semper ta habri si mi lo kier papia. Mi ta hopi agradecido na Feliciana pa a scuchami y judami. Mi ta recomenda Feliciana 100% na esnan cu mester un hende pa scucha nan y mester di e tipo di ayudo cu e ta brinda, cu Feliciana bo ta liber pa expresa bo mes y bo por ta sigur di pone bo confiansa completo den dje.”

— A client who overcame their trauma

If you feel that these stories resonated with you and would like to begin your journey of healing please do not hesitate to book your first appointment with us!